Office Closed due to tornado damage indefinity
Obviously, the tornado on February 7th caused some damage to our office. Phone lines are not up and the office has sustained damage. If you need to file a claim, please review your declaration pages for your homeowner’s, dwelling, and auto policies. If you don’t know your policy number and cannot access your declaration pages, we do not have access to the files. We can try to help you find your information. Give me a call at 504-240-8224 or email me at [email protected] or [email protected]. I will do the very best I can to help you during this difficult time.
PS Lighthouse customers, please call 1-877-852-0606 or go to their webpage lighthouse.insurance and login through their customer portal.
Americas call 1800-742-3109 option 1 for new claims -keep trying if you don’t get through, volume is high.
We will keep you updated as information comes in.
Also do not forget to write down your claim number and keep that information (we can’t retrieve it) and have your policy number ready because it will make the process faster.
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